New VE CEO looks to develop through Grassroots

Volleyball England Regions Meeting

Volleyball England’s new Chief Executive Charlie Ford has been making some effort to get to know the people involved in the sport and canvass views on the way forward. He has professed himself very keen to connect with and develop links with the grassroots and to promote consolidation and growth through these grassroots links. Conversations have been going on over the last month or so within the management team and with a wide range of volunteers involved in delivering current programmes. I have attached below a report of an online meeting set up by VE for area and regional representatives held on Thursday 19th January. The report was produced by Bryan Youlden Chair of the Manchester League and last North West Chair. Merseyside League was invited to attend but we had no-one available on that date. The note includes a number of proposals including replacing Volleyzone (to improve on line management and communication), review, update and promote referees and coaching courses and trying to connect more effectively with schools. Read it if you have time – pass on any feedback to me and I’ll be able to take it up with VE on behalf of the Merseyside League.

Bryan Youlden’s report…

With the arrival of a new Chief Executive and deputy at Volleyball England significant changes are underway. There appears to be a desire to re-connect with the individual players, clubs, areas and regions. As one of the first steps in this process, Chair of GMVA Bryan Youlden was invited to attend a Zoom meeting with other officials from County and regions across England as the first of a regular quarterly catch up.

VE Chair Charlie Ford has a background as a basketball player and continues to coach a junior girls basketball team. As such, he has a close affinity with grass roots sport. Most recently he was Chief Executive at British Boxing and formerly occupied a similar position at British Basketball. His new deputy Guin Batten is a former Olympic rower.

Charlie has embarked upon a series of discussions with various people within the sport and has received a clear message that the connection between the centre and the membership needs re-establishing. He has therefore announced a commitment to opening channels of communication. GMVA Chair Bryan was the last Chair of the Regional sub-group and since he stepped down some 3 years ago, many felt that there was no longer any voice for the regional and area associations in our sport.

As a result, a number of new initiatives are underway based on a commitment to listen to the membership and to act in accordance with their wishes. There is a desire to be more supportive and responsive to the needs of the grass roots. It is accepted that this will take time to implement, but the first steps have been announced as follows:

  • The first step is the appointment of a new Community Lead Stakeholder. A new position has been advertised for a dedicated person to work closely with the regions, counties and area associations.
  • A further role is being developed to support sitting volleyball as there is a concern that that division of our sport needs further focus. There is also an opportunity for an area or region to offer to take a lead in initiating a local sitting league or competition structure. If there is any interest for GMVA clubs, please let me know and I will table our interest. Whoever is selected will benefit by way of equipment and other support.
  • Digital transformation – It is accepted that Volleyzone is clunky and needs improvement. An agreement has therefore been entered into Sport Lomo and Seven League who will supply a new digital platform which will substantially upgrade areas such as membership and competitions management. It is promised that there will be lots of consultation and teach points to support us all going forward. The platform should also help local league administration if we want to take advantage and participate. All costs are covered and we can offer to be a pilot if we wish.
  • VE sanctioned events – An agreement has been reached with our insurers so that all VE sanctioned events will have full insurance cover.
  • Officiating – The lack of referees is a substantial problem in areas such as Greater Manchester. A review is underway with 10 areas of focus having been identified for further consideration. Ideas include a new lower-level qualification, a review of referee’s fees and other ideas.
  • Inter- Regional Championships – The importance of this competition as a pathway in junior development is recognised and a further review is underway to look at enhancing the competition.
  • Coach Award – A new coach award is being announced to replace the old Level 2 award.
  • Facilities – The Department of Education is revamping and upgrading 239 schools including their sports facilities. VE is keen to engage with Government to ensure the needs of volleyball are recognised.

So, some interesting and positive new developments, but where do we go from here to build on this?

In February, consultation with the volleyball community will extend with feedback forms issued to a number of stakeholders.  Based on the responses, a road map will be developed for the next 2-4 years.

March will see a plan finalised for the next year. Communications updates will be issued and the website updated.

April will result in the start of delivery of the phase 2 delivery of the Game Plan along with further updates.

There will be quarterly meetings with the regions and counties to continue the communication channel newly opened. I have also asked for North West Region and other local associations to be invited.

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